(SENSOR1) 가스센서
About Lesson


  1. 아두이노 설치 및 환경설정이 완료된 상태여야 합니다.

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3. 아래 소스코드를 보드설정-컴파일-업로드 과정을 진행 후 실행하세요

소스 코드

-코드설명 : 가스센서(MQ2)로 측정된 실시간 가스센서 값을 아두이노 시리얼모니터에 출력하고 가스 값 300이상일시 LED를 켭니다.

					#include <MQUnifiedsensor.h>
/************************Hardware Related Macros************************************/
#define         Board                   ("Arduino MEGA")
#define         Pin                     (A0)  //Analog input 3 of your arduino
/***********************Software Related Macros************************************/
#define         Type                    ("MQ-2") //MQ2
#define         Voltage_Resolution      (5)
#define         ADC_Bit_Resolution      (10) // For arduino UNO/MEGA/NANO
#define         RatioMQ2CleanAir        (9.83) //RS / R0 = 9.83 ppm 

MQUnifiedsensor MQ2(Board, Voltage_Resolution, ADC_Bit_Resolution, Pin, Type);

void setup() {
  //Init the serial port communication - to debug the library
  Serial.begin(9600); //Init serial port

  //Set math model to calculate the PPM concentration and the value of constants
  MQ2.setRegressionMethod(1); //_PPM =  a*ratio^b
  MQ2.setA(574.25); MQ2.setB(-2.222); // Configurate the ecuation values to get LPG concentration
    Exponential regression:
    Gas    | a      | b
    H2     | 987.99 | -2.162
    LPG    | 574.25 | -2.222
    CO     | 36974  | -3.109
    Alcohol| 3616.1 | -2.675
    Propane| 658.71 | -2.168

  /*****************************  MQ Init ********************************************/ 
  //Remarks: Configure the pin of arduino as input.
    //If the RL value is different from 10K please assign your RL value with the following method:
  /*****************************  MQ CAlibration ********************************************/ 
  // Explanation: 
  // In this routine the sensor will measure the resistance of the sensor supposing before was pre-heated
  // and now is on clean air (Calibration conditions), and it will setup R0 value.
  // We recomend execute this routine only on setup or on the laboratory and save on the eeprom of your arduino
  // This routine not need to execute to every restart, you can load your R0 if you know the value
  // Acknowledgements: https://jayconsystems.com/blog/understanding-a-gas-sensor
  Serial.print("Calibrating please wait.");
  float calcR0 = 0;
  for(int i = 1; i<=10; i ++)
    MQ2.update(); // Update data, the arduino will be read the voltage on the analog pin
    calcR0 += MQ2.calibrate(RatioMQ2CleanAir);
  Serial.println("  done!.");
  if(isinf(calcR0)) {Serial.println("Warning: Conection issue founded, R0 is infite (Open circuit detected) please check your wiring and supply"); while(1);}
  if(calcR0 == 0){Serial.println("Warning: Conection issue founded, R0 is zero (Analog pin with short circuit to ground) please check your wiring and supply"); while(1);}
  /*****************************  MQ CAlibration ********************************************/ 


void loop() {
  MQ2.update(); // Update data, the arduino will be read the voltage on the analog pin
  MQ2.readSensor(); // Sensor will read PPM concentration using the model and a and b values setted before or in the setup
  MQ2.serialDebug(); // Will print the table on the serial port
  delay(500); //Sampling frequency
